CHEAT THE DEVIL”  Feature film from James Ahearn, Independent Ventures.

“For the first time in his long and storied existence the Devil is cheated out of his pound of flesh —and by a mere woman to boot… One who tapped into a force even stronger than his own— a mother’s love!”

Actors needed for the following roles:

DEIRDRE MCDONOUGH:  Adulterous wife of Alan McDonough and wayward mother of Scott.  As if her faults aren’t already legion, she is also a practicing witch and satanic groupie.  (Caucasian actress 18-65 years of age.)

ALAN MCDONOUGH:  Husband of Deirdre and father of Scott. (Any race 18-65 years.)

SCOTT MCDONOUGH:  Caucasian (supporting actor) to portray son of Deirdre and Alan, almost at the end of his rope, owing to the imminent divorce of his mom and dad. (12-25 years of age.)

JOHN:  Deirdre’s lover, and devoted devil-worshipper.  (Any race, 18-65 years.)

LORD SATAN:  The Devil himself!  (Any race, 18-65 years).

$100.00 per diem for Principle roles (Deirdre, Alan, John and Satan) $50.00 per diem (Scott)

Please contact Jim Ahearn via email at [email protected] for script and sides or call 412-804-8653.


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It is the reader’s responsibility to ensure that those they are working with are legitimate. The Pittsburgh Film Office assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions.  All information is the responsibility of the individual making the posting. Appearance on the PFO’s website does not represent an endorsement by the Pittsburgh Film Office staff or board of directors.

For casting calls, the PFO warns you to never go alone.  You should never be asked to pay to audition for an acting or extra job. If anything ever seems questionable, investigate before signing up to do the work and always ask questions.